I got this for my mom, who is mobility impaired. Walgreens carries it. It's a Gold's Gym Upper and Lower Body Cycle.
Basically it's for people who can't move very well, but who still need to keep strength in their arms and legs.
You set it on the floor, sit in a chair, and use it in a bicycle motion. Unfortunately, my mom can't use this feature, as her arthritis prevents her from lifting her feet even 4 inches off the ground without pain!
But she can still use it as an arm cycle. You put it on your table, and "pedal" with your arms. You can set the tension to whatever you desire, and can get a pretty good workout.
This is particularly important for the elderly who can't move to well except with a walker. Using this upper and lower body cycle keeps them (and eventually, will us!) and keeps their muscles toned.
Banned those flabby widow's weeds under arms! Keep your legs moving! Use a Upper and lower body cycle.
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