
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Eating Should Not Supply "Orgasmic" Pleasure

As I have blogged about occasionally in the past, if you're a TV watcher, turn the sound down as soon as your show switches to the commercials, because you'll inevitably be subjected to either an ad for some silly weight loss system (a diet, or a tool like a "shaker weight" or something of that nature) or you'll be subjected to a restaurant ad, which will just get those gastric juices flowing.

Have you ever noticed when you see these food ads - whether if its for a diet product like Yoplait or a restaurant ad like Chili's, that the woman will take a bite of food and then lean back as if she's having an orgasm? Is there no other way to show that food tastes good because getting a look of ecstatic pleasure on your face? [Guys, on the other hand, get to shove their food in their mouths and wipe the drool off their face with the back of their hands. Thank God the one Wendy's ad where the man got his jollys playing with a tiny Hawaiian hulu dancer on his dashboard is no longer shown.)

Then there's the ad for Dannon, where some slender model - Heidi Klum - is sucking down the yoghurt, and its so good that she takes her finger and runs it around the carton to get the last drop, and then she upends it and sucks it in as well? To me, that never seems like she especially likes the food, but rather that she's just so damn hungry and yet all she gets to eat is this teeny tiny little thing of Dannon, so she's going to get every last drop of it that she can, before having to wait 24 hours before she can eat again!

Ah, what girls, and women, do to themselves in the name of "being attractive."

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