
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Low fat and sugar free foods

I went grocery shopping yesterday (after lunch, so I wasn't hungry. Never go grocery shopping when you're hungry!)

I always have to be very careful when I shop - reading the labels to make sure I get the food I want.... which is food with its normal fat quantity and quantity of sugar!

It's harder than ever to do that nowadays, it seems, as stores are stocking several brads of low-fat crap, and only one brand of "the real deal" as I call it...and of course it's only going to get worse as the government and stores "partner" together to ensure a "healthy America."

Let me take care of my own health, is how I look at it. If I want to have a bowl of salty Ruffles with Ridges and some French onion dip, that's my business!

Having said that, I leave it up to you if you want to try low fat, and sugar free foods. They taste terrible to me...but your tastebuds may be different.

But really, there are foods your body must have to work at its optimum capability. Your body must have carbohydrates, it must have fat, it must have sugars! (Unless you have some kind of medical condition that prohibits things, such as salt, etc.) But a normal, healthy body needs these things. They all contribute to the bodily functions.

You don't have to cut out all the stuff you love. It's simply as I keep harping on it over and over - everything in moderation.

Tips on how to do that moderating...

1) Drink a lot of water after meals. This keeps you feeling full, which will help prevent snacking.
2) If you do snack, snack on carrots or hard boiled eggs (yes, you heard me, eggs!). Keep chocolate or other treats as treats - for dessert only.
3) Work on breaking your habits of eating while watching TV, or while you're on the computer, and so on. If you feel hungry, get a glass of water. Start thinking about something else, and after half an hour, your hunger pains may well have disappeared.
4) Bear in mind that your willpower is a muscle, and needs to be exercised to become strong. If you "fail" - that's only a failure on one day. It doesn't invalidate your whole weight loss/weight maintenance program. Acknowledge that you ate too much food on a partcilar day, examine why you did it, and start fixing the problem by cutting back a little bit less each day, if necessary.

Losing weight - and maintaining weight - is a process. It will get easier as time goes by, if you give it time.

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