
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Monday, November 21, 2011

There's a plate that tells you to slow down if you're eating too fast

Everyone should be at a healthy weight...sure...but does the government - any government - have the right to force people to get thin?

Because that's what we're heading for.

Believe it or not, in Sweden, some scientists - whose time could have been much better spent working on a cure for cancer, IMHO - have come up with a plate that has sensors in it. If the food on the eater's plate disappears too fast... the plate will speak, and tell the eater to slow down!


The plate costs $1,500.

Now, I don't know about you, but if I was too stupid to know I was bolting my food, I could hire some kid at $5 an hour to sit beside me while I ate and tell me I was eating too fast.

This is just ridiculous - and scary.

I heard this while listening to Rush today, but I've just done a search on it...and it's been available since 2010.

Note the headline from Gizmodo:
Talking Dinner Plate Tells You to Slow Down, Fatty
Pretty cool idea: This Mandometer plate has a scale underneath which measures how fast weight (food) is disappearing, and compares it to a pre-set rate of consumption. If you eat too fast, it'll actually speak up to admonish you.

As embarrassing as it'd be to actually own this thing, its heart is in the right place: If you slow down your chomping, your body will register as "full" and you'll eat less. I'm not going to buy one—I don't need some uppity plate telling me that no human being should eat an entire San Francisco burrito in seven minutes—but I appreciate the effort.

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