
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

From where does the weight come off first?

Depending on how overweight you are, you won't be able to tell from where the weight is coming off as you use it.

Let's say your 100 pounds overweight. You lose 10 of those pounds (over the course of 3-4 weeks), and you really won't be able to tell where the weight came from, as it'll come from everywhere.

Of course when you're 100 pounds overweight, you don't care where the weight comes off from first, you just want it to come off.

By the time you've lost 20 pounds, you'll be able to fit into a size-lower pair of jeans...

Of course, if you want to work on specific areas, and add some weight training to target that area, you can direct to some extent where weight will come off in addition to the overall weight loss.

For example, if you have "widows weeds" underarms, and target them with tricep curls, you can firm them up in a month or so.

Biking will work on your legs; situps, leg drawups and so on will work on your belly.

Don't worry about where the weight is coming off from - just be aware that it's coming off and you'll be healthier because of it.

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