
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Watch the Olympics

I'm actually writing this three days in advance. I'm currently watching the US gymastic team working on the pommel horse.

My they've got some nice biceps!

Earlier I watched a very few minutes of women's beach volleyball. US vs Australia. Both sets of women were wearing the skimpiest bikini bottoms you could ever imagine, so much that their butt-cheeks were exposed...but something I'd never seen before - both sets were also wearing long sleeved shirts. (Although for some reason the Australian women seemed to have their sports bras on over their white shirts.)

Well, it's England...I thought there was a heat wave going on there but maybe it's cool out there in beach vollyball land...

I suppose I'm going against the tide with women wearing skimpy bikinis..after all I don't think it's possible for a woman these days to buy anything except a bikini... I have a one-piece and have had it for many years... course I admit I'm a wee bit paranoid....I swim in a public pool and if some punk-ass kid wants to have some fun by pulling down my panties...well, he can't do it because with a one-piece there are no panties.

Much, much earlier today I was watching women's fencing - which shocked me because I don't ever recall women's fencing being shown on TV before - albeit on one of the minor channels covering the Olympics, not the major ones which had women's basketball or soccer or something of that nature... want to get fit? Try fencing, or "chess on legs" as its called.

----Wow...The Chinese are really screwing up in all their team gymnastic events. I don't think I've ever seen them do that before.  A couple of 'em have fallen off the pommel horse and one just fell off the rings.

Anyway...fencing. Fencing is a great sport and will improve your cardio no end.

Give it a try.

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