
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Appetite and Drinking Water

While you're waiting for December to be over, so you can implement your new - and permanent - lifestyle change, you must be doing many things.

1. Keep a journal of what you eat and drink every day...and why. By this I don't mean breakfast, lunch and dinner, but the in-between snacks and so on.

2. Look at your portions. Do you eat the equivalent of two servings of mash potatoes as one serving?

3. Watch your calories. A bowl of ice cream a day is not that bad...a couple of hundred calories. But do you pour chocolate syrup over it? That adds another hundred calories. Do you chop up a candy bar and add that? That also ads calories.

4. A salad may be healthy for you - but it does have calories. A lot of people, apparently (according to a college study I once read) believe that if they eat a salad alog with a couple of huge hambuger and fries...the salad doesn't have any calories. Not so. Unless you leave off the dressing and toppings. So eat a large salad, or eat a large meal, not both.

I always tell the people whom I'm helping to lose weight that it is not necessary to count calories - it is only necessary to use portion control.

If you become familiar, over the course of a month (in this case December) with what you eat, and you are overweight by 50-100 pounds, then the solution is obvious. You're eating too much, and not exercising enough. Don't cut out all carbohydrates, that's ridiculous. Eat everything - just in smaller portions!

I'll explore this more in later entries.

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