
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Don't Dread Christmas

In twenty more days it'll be Christmas. And whether you're allowed to celebrate Christmas or have to celebrate with "Holiday" parties (I'm an atheist, but I celebrate Christmas. Peace on Earth, good will toward men - that's a great sentiment whatever your spiritual leanings) chances are you'll be surrounded by food for the rest of the month.

If you've changed your eating habits already (I hate to use the term "dieting" - to be successful in weight loss/maintenance, you don't "diet" you "eat properly") then you will be able to get through this Christmas season and gain only a couple of pounds, if that. I say that because if you "know yourself" - you know what treats you can have that won't trigger an eating binge.

If you're just now thinking of starting a diet....why not wait until January 1. Make it a New Year's Resolution - and one that you'll be able to keep.

So if you're not going to start your "eating properly" now, what constructive things are you going to do during this month?

1. Set your goal now to obtain a healthy weight in the New Year.

2. Realize that you are going to lose 1 pound a week, or 2 at the most. That is the healthy way to lose weight, and the best way. Anything else will alter your metabolism - slow it down, as a matter of fact, and you don't want that!

3. Realize that for the first two weeks - or even three - of the New Year, you are not going to step on a scale.

4. Before you can start to lose weight, your body must use up any extra calories it has, and achieve a "caloric imbalance." This can take up to two weeks! If you step on a scale and haven't lost a single pound, or even have gained a couple of pounds, you may give up and start binge eating.

5. Realize that you may gain weight before you start to lose it. Why? Because in addition to moderating your food intake, you are also going to increase your physical activity, and if you are wise, you will start weight training. And since muscles weigh more than fat, you may initially gain weight. Just for a week or so, until the weight starts to come off.

6. Realize that muscles burn more calories than fat does. The fitter you are, the more calories you burn (and the more you can eat - up to one extra portion a day.)

7. Don't be misled by the term "portion" - you can eat until you're full. Don't settle for a couple of pickles and a sprig of celergy for dinner!

8. Prepare your family for your new weight loss program. They must be supportive without being nagging. Do not accept any jokes about your weight, even if they are meant honestly as jokes in a misguided attempt at support. You need positive support - you deserve positive support.

9. Start a journal.

I'll tell you what to put in it in my next entry on Wednesday.

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