
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Your Goal is to Achieve a Healthy Weight, Not to Become a Skeleton

I cannot emphasize enough how important it is that you realize that your goal is not to lose weight, but to become fit. If you become fit, the weight loss/maintenance, naturally follows.

There are three types of skeletons, or frames - small, medium and large. People with large frames cannot healthily weigh the same as someone the same height, but with a small skeleton.

Being five pounds underweight is much unhealthier than being five pounds overweight, and if you're 20 pounds underweight, you're extremely unhealthy, whereas if you're 20 pounds overweight...that's nothing. Start riding a bike, give up one candy bar a day, or forget your weekly Blizzard, and you'll lose that weight in no time.

This blog is really aimed at people who are 50-100 pounds overweight or more.

If you're that overweight, you need a complete - and permanent - lifestyle change.

And no, it doesn't mean you have to give up chocolate completely, or carbohydrates completely, and so on. All it means is you have to practice portion control and increase your physical activity.

But of course that is easier said than done, which is where this blog comes in.

What is one reason dieters fail?
Because you expect too much, too soon. You can gain two or three pounds in a will take you three weeks to lose it.

If you lose the weight quickly, chances are you'll gain it back again quickly, plus a little more, because your metabolism will be out of whack.

If you lose the weight gradually, over the course of several months, there is much more likelihood of you maintaining your new weight.

I suggest NOT taking diet pills, appetite suppressant drugs or metabolism increasing drugs. ALL drugs have side effects. And you don't need them. (If you are healthy. If you have diabetes or some other disease of that type, consult your doctor, My advice is ONLY for healthy people who simply struggle with their weight for a variety of reasons.)

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