
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Don't Shop While Hungry

This is an old tip, but it works. If at all possible, do your shopping after you've had breakfast or lunch - or even dinner - so that you're full and not craving anything, when you walk into that big ol' store with all its shelves of goodies.

And if possible, don't bring your kids in with you, either. Or if you do, start in on them young to teach them discipline - no eating in the store, no opening of things you've bought for them - no, not in the store, not in the car, they must wait until they get home. Patience, and Willpower needs to be taught in kids from a young age.

You should also have a list of stuff you're going to buy, and then buy only what's on the list. No impulse shopping. (Unless you're impulse is to try certain, low-calorie foods!)

Avoid going down the candy aisle to get somewhere else.

And of course, don't buy a candybar as you're waiting in the checkout line.

Although, offering candy at checkout lines does seem to be diminishing. I'm sure the guv'mint is pressuring stores to do this.

What I've noticed is that stores are going towards these self-service checkout counters, where you run your own items over the bar scan, bag them, and so on. And around these scanners, there's no racks of goodies at all.

(I could talk about the rise of the self-service checkout counter, but that's a rant for a different blog...)

Of course, saying "Don't shop while hungry" is easy, but what if you're at home, have a craving for something, and decide to hop into your car, go to a store and buy it?

That's the hard thing...the thing that you've been training and exercising your willpower to resist. The thing to do is take your mind off it.

If watching TV triggers a craving (and I always turn the sound down on the commercials, and even walk out of the room while they're on so I don't see commercials for restaurants) then try reading a book instead. Get involved in a craft project, somethign that takes all your attention, so 10 minutes later, you've completely forgotten about your craving.

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