
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Monday, May 23, 2011

OT: Never Give Up. Never. Never. Never.

Those are the immortal words of Winston Churchill, bracing England during the Battle of Britain.

I was thinking about them yesterday, while I was browsing through the headlines of the reports of the followers of a televangelist - or whatever the heck he is - Harold Camping, who'd been preaching for 7 years that the world was going to end on 21 May, 2011.

His ministry received over $700 million in donations in the last 7 years, all from people who apparently believe his tale of the Rapture and the end of the world. And in the last few months, several people apparently quit their jobs, and gave away all their money in preparation for The Rapture.

Well. 21 May came and went, and we're still here.

Will Camping stop predicting the end of the world? Of course not. Why should he? He made the same prediction in 1994, and that was wrong, and while you would have thought that all his followers would have left him after that, they didn't. They stayed with him, gave his ministry $700 million , and fully expected him to be right this time. And they will doubtless believe him when he redoes his calculations and comes up with a new day.

Meantime, what are they going to live on? Well, government welfare will doubtless step in to help them.

My own opinion is that, even if you expect the world to end tomorrow or the next day, you continue life as you've always done. You must always do what you can, until you can no longer do it, to quote the genius of Terry Pratchett. You don't give up and wait for the end, you prepare yourself for it. (And I'm not talking about giving up your nice comfy home, assuming you've got one, and moving to a remote cave to live a ridiculous existence for the next 20 years!)

I'm talking about continuing to go to work, continuing to enjoy life, with a nest egg in the bank and a nest egg in a strongbox in your house, and not worrying about stupid things like whether you're five pounds overweight.

Being one hundred pounds over weight is not stupid, however, and to increase the quality of your life, that must be taken care of, but people who obsess over a lousy five pounds..or even ten pounds... there's more important things in life to worry about than that.

But life is meant to be enjoyed. So go out and enjoy it!

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