
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday is Weight Training Day

Sorry for the delay in posting here.... ill health in the family...

So, it's Friday. Friday of course is one of the three days on which you should be doing your weight training. Weight training should take place every other day - there's no need to do it more than that - only heavy duty bodybuilders work out every day.

Friday is also the day when many people celebrate the end of the work week by going out and partying.

And as people go out for happy hour, they invariably drink liquor. Beer, liquor or wine...which is better for you?

Beer Vs. Liquor Vs. Wine – Which is better for Weight Loss?

Many who are dieting struggle with alcohol. Unless some medical condition is behind the new health focus, people are not willing to give up eating and drinking at the same time. So, if you are Fat Blogging, what should you drink? The answer is actually simple…white wine (I could have said you shouldn’t drink, but that would have been a cop out).

Wine ranges from 65 to 160 calories per 4.0 glass. White wine checks in the lowest at 65, followed closely by Red (70 calories). Try and avoid the ports. They can be upwards of 160 calories per glass.

Beer ranges from 95 to 210 calories per 12 oz bottle. If you are gonna drink beer, shoot for the lights. Michelob Ultra Light is a good choice for 95 calories, but most the lights are less than 100. Stay clear of the darker fuller beers like stouts.

As for liquor, it’s actually quite high. A 1.5 ounce shot of rum will tag you for 125 calories. Same with whiskey. The real trouble with liquor is when you start to make the mixed drinks. Depending on what you are mixing it with, you are most likely doubling the calories.

If you have the extra calories by the end of the day, have 1 drink. But when the weekend rolls around and you decide to have a few, remember you are basically substituting a meal or a snack with drinks.

Added Note
I said above that I wouldn’t cop out and tell you not to drink – after all, I haven’t stopped. But a word of caution: Drinking messes with your metabolism. When you drink, your liver converts the alcohol to acetate. Your body prefers to burn acetate as energy before burning fat. And beyond that, any acetate that isn’t burned, gets converted to stored energy (fat). So a beer belly truly is a beer belly.

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