
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

No Need To Purchase Special Meals

I just saw a commercial for EDiets ( If you don't have time to cook, they'll do the cooking for you - specially prepared foods which are then packed in FedEx coolers and sent right to your home.

The program costs $160 a month for a month - 4 meals a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack).

28 meals: 4 meals a day - breakfast, lunch,
dinner & snack or dessert!
Chef-prepared, delivered in stay fresh packaging
Choose from 100+ delicious meals and desserts
Live support from registered dietitians
Live personal fitness trainer to assist you
Includes a custom fitness plan for every level
Interactive social networking community

Well, this is like Jenny Craig - another diet program where you pay to have specially prepared meals sent to you.

And there is no need for any of this. It's not the food you eat that causes you to gain weight... it's the amount of it. And so the fact that you have all these specially prepared meals in the house...what good will they do if you get hungry late at night, can't control your appetite, and eat a couple of bowls of ice cream?

And if you don't eat a couple of bowls of ice cream, whatever meals you have during the day will be just fine.

Invest in a single cookbook that shows you how to prepare healthy, nutritious, but good tasting meals, and prepare these in quantities, freezing some of them so that you just need to pull one out of the freezer and heat it up when you're in the mood for that particular dish.

It's the exact same thing that eDiets and Jenny Craig do, except you're not paying all that extra money that they charge you for the food.

(Of course, there are always exceptions. If you absolutely don't have time to cook a all, and like the convenience of having foods delivered to can always give it a try.

The key is of course to add in an exercise program, and to know yourself.

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