
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Can't Sleep? Read A Book!

During the day, and even to a certain extent at night, we are most active. But once we try to go to sleep (or are awake when most other people are sleeping), ah..that's where the danger lies.

How many of us suffer from insomnia, or are just night owls. It's late at night, we're in our homes...we can't sleep...what do we do?

Too many eat. Especially if they can't sleep, but want to sleep, the frustration just builds up until they say to hell with it, get up and have a bowl of ice cream or a bag of popcorn. Or eat up the leftover food you were saving for the next day's lunch.

It is important to not let frustration and anger rule your thoughts - either late at night or at any other time.

If you can't sleep, just accept it and try to read a book instead. (More helpful to you than watching TV!) Drink a glass of water to quell any hunger pains...or of course have a few carrots - nothing more than that.

I'm not adverse to anyone having a small bowl of ice cream up to about 8 pm, but after that, you don't want to indulge.

IF you do suffer from insomnia, try all sorts of natural remedies before trying artificial sleep aids. Sleeping pills can be habit forming, and may have side effects.

One thing to do is cut out your caffeine. Drink regular coffee to wake up, and decaf after five or six. Experiment with this to see how early you have to stop drinking caffeine for it to stop effecting your attempts to sleep.

Try meditation just before it's time to go to bed. Write out your frustrations or thoughts in your diary - if you've got thoughts racing around in your head that have you so wired, express them to your journal. That can help calm your mind.

I have also found that working out just before I go to bed, gets me ready for bed. For some people, exercise stimulates brain activity. For me, it helps calms me and gets me ready for sleep.

You need to find out, through experimentation, what's best for you.

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