
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Can Spring Possibly Be Here?

Starting a diet in the middle of winter is always a tough thing to do.

Starting a diet during Spring, when the sun is shining, it's finally warm out, and you can get out and run and play.... well, that's just icing on the cake.

In order to lose weight - and, more difficult - maintain that new weight - you need to do two things

1) Eat right
2) Exercise

By eat right, I mean eat whatever you want to eat, just in small portions. You will also need to alter any night-time bad habits. Ice cream is an after dinner dessert, not a dessert to be had at 11 pm just before you go to bed! If you're hungry at that time and want to take the edge off, some carrots will do.

Exercise consists of two portions - weight training 3 times a week to keep up your muscle strength in arms and legs, and a sport of some kind to improve your cardiovascular - whether it be jogging, walking, biking, playing tennis, golf or what have you.

Weight training does not have to take more than 15 minutes a day. You are not aiming to be a body builder (unless you want to be, of course) but rather maintain or build strength in your arms and legs. This can be done with some 10 pound dumbbells, a 50 pound barbell, and 50 pounds on a leg attachment for your weight bench. (Legs are always stronger than arms and you can "curl" and "extend" a lot more weight with your legs than you can with your arms.)

Spring is here - let's have fun out there!

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