
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Have you found your sport yet?

I'm watching a gold tourney at Doral right now - I'd hoped to see Phil do well and Tiger stink, but unfortunately it's the other way around.

But as I've blogged frequently - every time I watch a golf tourney as a matter of fact - I can't help but notice the physiques of the golfers. Most of 'em - even Tiger Woods, have little pot bellies (and a handful have big pot bellies!).

But let a woman walk around with a pot belly - at least, one who is supposed to be an athlete or an actress - and all hell breaks loose.

And that of course will never change.

But to the point of this post.

Just as you need to bring your eating down to a healthy level - by using portion control - so you need to add a sport to your repertoire. That sport can be either bike riding, walking, jogging, or golfing.

Can't afford to go golfing on a regular basis? No problem - just go to a park and practice hitting shots there. The walking and the bending and so on will give you a good workout.

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