
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Make large meals, then freeze individual portions

Some people don't like to eat frozen dinners because they feel short-changed by them. And its certainly true that the packaging has changed these days so that you don't get as much food as you would think by looking at the box, and the actual presentation of the food never matches the elegant servings on the box.

And then there's that stigma about frozen foods - how mom's should cook "real" meals for their kids rather than plop some TV dinner into the oven.

Well, the solution is to make your own meals, but make so much that you can divide them up into several meals, and refrigerate or freeze them, to eat over the course of a week or month.

This saves money and presents you and your family with better meals. It also saves time, if you'd like to make home-cooked meals for your family, but don't have time every day to do so, just pull out the meals you made during a cook-and-freeze weekend.

Of course, you need to label everything carefully - what it is and the day you made it - so things don't go to waste.

Now, in essence you're eating "left-overs". But frankly, I have found that most foods do taste better on the second day, because they've had a chance to marinate or set and the flavors come out better.

So give it a try.

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