
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

New month, new evaluation

Today is the first day of the month of April. The year is one-fourth over.

The first day of the month is always a good one for evaluating what you have achieved in the previous month, and your goals for the next month. In other words, you have long distance goals - you want to lose 30 pound over the course of the year. In order to achieve that, you only need to lose 3 pounds a month - and that is certainly doable.

Losing weight is a long term goal. Too many people think they can lose 30 pounds in 30 days - not going to happen. (Or if by some miracle of unhealthy abstinence you do lose that weight, you will never keep it off.)

So, from the beginning to March to the end of March, have you lost 3 pounds? By following the tips in this blog, which advocate a gradual reduction in weight. Eating whatever you want, but in smaller portions, and increasing your exercise.

Why increase your exercise? Because the more fit you are, the easier that excess weight comes off.And the better you will feel!

So spend today making plans for the rest of April. List everything you want to achieve, in daily, weekly and finally, the monthly goal - so that you can evaluate where you are when May comes around.

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