
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Water, water everywhere

I typed that title into the title box, and lo and behold it came up...I've obviously blogged about this alot.

But, it's a good tip, so why not, I'll blog about it again.

The single hardest thing for any person trying to lose weight faces, is to control their appetite.

That's it. Solve that problem, throw in half an hour of walking a day, and you've got the weight control problem licked.

And if it were easy - everyone would do it and no one would be overweight.

But, really, it is easy, as long as you're willing to accept that you've got to do a bit of work - meaning, learn to get used to the feelings of hunger pains.

I'm not talking about starving yourself! Eat three square meals a day, or five smaller meals if you want to go that route. Just don't snack between meals, or if you do snack, make it carrots or something of that nature.

And drink water. Don't drink water before a meal. Yes, it will stop you from eating a lot, but then you'll just get hungry again an hour later.

No, drink water after the meal, to hold down those hunger pains until your next meal. Don't drink water an hour before your next meal. It's during that hour that you should let the hunger pains, if any, develop, so you can properly enjoy your food during whatever meal you're going to eat.

And then, after dinner, drink as much water as you like.

No pop. Even diet pop isn't good for you - indeed, diet pop is worse for you than real pop, because of the artificial sweeteners they use. Not to mention they taste lousy... (as I have good cause to know!)

After dinner, assuming you have a normal work span - 9 to 5, with the evening for your hobbies, watching TV, etc. and you go to bed at a reasonable hour, your body just naturally starts to wind down. Any food you eat will go straight to the hips or belly.

So after dinner - water, and healthy snacks.

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