
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Sculling Sloth

I'd been about to make a post suggesting that my readers acquire a rowing machine - or use one at their local gym - but I've just seen a very denigrating "newsbyte" or whatever it's called. Some black African athlete from Niger (I say that because there are white Africans) - took up sculling three months ago, and is the only sculling athlete from his country. He's participated in three races, finished dead last in each one and is always the last one still on the river.

Now I suppose it was meant to be light-hearted and even inspirational, but the voice of the announcer talking about it was dripping not with light-heartedness but with sarcasm. Nevertheless it was nice to see, via camera, that this athlete got enthusiastic applause when he eventually finished. Gambatte! as the Japanese say. (Do your best.)

Anyway, back to the original point of my post.

I was just watching the women's double sculls - and those women had flat stomachs and sculpted arms and were very physically fit...

And it just spurred me to point out that if you want to flatten your stomach and tone up the flab on your legs - not to mention the backs of your arms - the rowing machine is the way to go.

And it's fun. Just sit it down in front of your TV and row for half an  hour while you watch TV. Nothing easier.

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