
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Are you ready for some football?

I'm sitting here typing on my computer - doing my various writing tasks. One of my many income streams is as a freelance writer, and as a freelance - my workweek never stops.

So I'm sitting here typing and watching TV, waiting for football - another 20 minutes to go. (One of a very few good things about living in Wyoming is my football starts at a reasonable hour.)

And  I'm wishing I could have a pepsi.

But during winter I restrict myself to two Pepsis a day, since my physical activity is cut down considerably during these cold months. Yes, I run up and down my stairs several times a day and work out 3 days a week, but I'm still not out and about biking as much as I do during the warm months, so I have no choice to cut down.

But I don't deny it's hard...and annoying! Damn age-related metabolism slow-down!

However, it is what it is.

You can actually purchase products to make your metabolism speed up - but these are not healthy and you shouldn't bother with them, any more than you should take 5-hour energy or other stuff of that nature. Tired in the middle of the day? Start getting a better night's sleep!

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