
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Keep Your Home at 50 Degrees and Lose Weight

Do you ever wonder why problems that have plagued the world for centuries continue to plague the world? I think it's because we give millions of dollars to researchers to research totally useless projects, instad of spending that money on things that could actually help people.

When I say we, I mean the taxpayer, of whatever country they live in.

Take the taxpayers of Britain, for example, whose taxes probably went to fund the research of a certain professor at the University of London who concluded that "indoor heating contributes to obesity."

Access to home indoor heating may be contributing to the obesity problem in the United States, the United Kingdom and other developed countries, according to a new study. University College London researchers said in a statement that reduced exposure to cold may impact the body’s ability to maintain a healthy weight.

They said indoor heating minimizes the need for energy expenditure to stay warm and reduces the body’s capacity to produce heat.

As more people in the developed world have indoor heating, the population is spending more time exposed to milder temperatures. This could also lead to the loss of the type of fat that burns energy and produces heat – known as adipose, or brown fat.

This could also be making us heavier, the researchers said.

“Increased time spent indoors, widespread access to central heating and air conditioning, and increased expectations of thermal comfort all contribute to restricting the range of temperatures we experience in daily life and reduce the time our bodies spend under mild thermal stress – meaning we burn less energy,” lead researcher Dr. Fiona Johnson said in a statement.

A report on the study is published in the journal Obesity Reviews.

This is just flat-out stupid.

What causes obesity? Eating too much and exercising too little. It's that simple.

Why do people eat too much? Well, because most people live in civilized countries where food is easily accessible, so there's a lot of it in the house.

I suppose it is true that since we live in warm houses, and have TVs to watch, and books to read, we dont' spend all our time hunting for food or playing gaes to amuse we eat.

Then there's a little thing called metabolism. Look around you at people - young people, typically men - who gorge themselves and never gain an ounce. That's because they have fast metabolisms, as opposed to slow metabolisms.

What does indoor heating have to do with it, in the sense of, what good is this study? Are they going to recommend that everyone's furnaces be turned off in winter, and that air conditioning go full blast in summer? Well, those who want us to cut down on our energy use will certainly love the first suggestion, but they'll be very angry over the second.

It just boggles my mind that someone, or a group of people, would actually think this is worth studying. Some things are just common sense and self-evident. Yes, if you live in a warm house and can buy your food at a supermarket, you have easier access to food, and if you eat too much you'll gain weight. Big surprise.

The question is..should those people in third world countries who are desperately trying to get to this level of technology, so that they don't have to spend every waking moment of their lives watching themselves starve to death because they don't have enough food, or safe drinking water - should they be allowed to have any technology at all? Obviously not - it leads to obesity. Let 'em continue to live as they have been doing. Might be a miserable way to live, but at least they won't be fat!

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