
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Welcome to the 10th day of the rest of your life

It's January 10... 10 days since you made your new year's are they working out for you?

Were you going to exercise every single day? And have you now missed a day? That's alright. There's no need to abandon a resolution because, in early days, you skipped a day.

Have you given up chocolate? Successfully? If so, more power to you. If nt, again, don't despair. You're on a program that is going to take 365 days. Having one candy bar is no reason to give up your resolution...or to wait until February before you start up your resolution again.

And in any event, there's no reason to give up chocolate completely. Even when you are in your "losing weight" phas as opposed to your "maintenace phase" there's always room for a bit of chocolate.

If you started trying to lose weight on Jan 1, remember that it's not time to step on your scale yet. You wont' have lost any weight at all, for all that you've been exercising and moderating your food intake. That's because your body is still in the process of getting to a caloric imbalance, so that you can start safely losing 2 pounds a week (maximum.)

Also, just in case you dont know, remember that you weigh more at night than you do in the morning. So, when you do start weighing yourself (and really, I don't think you should. Just try on your slightly too tight jeans once a week to measure your progress) only do it once, in the morning. Because of the food you eat, and more telling, the amount of liquid you consume, you could weight a couple more pounds at night than you do in the daytime. But come the morning and time to urinate, and you will "lose" those pounds right there.

Weight Training Monday
It's Monday, so time for weight training.

Dummbell curls
Leg curls
Straight arm raises (lifting your arms horizontally from your sides, strengthens the shoulders)
Leg extensions
French curls (for triceps)

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