
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Wow! Time goes by! What to do in a heatwave

I knew I'd missed a couple of days due to a personal project I had to complete, but I hadn't realized I'd missed 6 days! 6!

Apologies to my faithful readers. Won't happen again!

Anyway, it's almost the weekend, and here in Cheyenne Wyoming, Frontier Days are beginning. Various rodeo performances, and also "old time" cowboys having gunfights, life in the 1800s, etc. And hopefully, period food! We'll see.

It's been pretty warm here, but then it's been warm around half the country, apparently. I'm sure you've all been getting advice on how to make sure you don't get heat stroke, etc., but here's some more.

If you're out and about, drink A LOT of fluids. Also, wear a hat with a brim. (And even more important, wear the brim so it covers your eyes, not so it sticks out behind your neck accomplishing nothing at all! White or light colored clothing will keep you cooler than dark colored clothing.

Ice cream is always a treat during hot days, but limit yourself to a single cone or a small serving. Water is always the best thing to drink on hot days!

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