
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

You only need one solution

My brother is trying to become a professional gambler. Too that end, he has bought hundreds of dollars worth of books on the subject, he's bought a DVD course, and he's just bought a few more books.

And I'm thinking to myself...why are you buing so much stuff to teach you how to play poker? Why not buy the top poker book, the one everyone raves about, and if, after following his advice, you still can't win at poker, accept the fact that no matter how many bloody books you buy, how many courses you take, poker is purely a game of luck and if you're not lucky, you will never win!

The same can be said for people trying to lose weight. I've had a few clients who reveal that they go to stores and buy books on weight lifting, and various dieting books, which then sat on their shelves, unread, I guess because they were hoping the information within those books would pass to them by means of osmosis.

Or they read the books, and didn't see what they wanted to see - an easy, effortless way to lose weight.

Well, there's no such thing. You will have to make some effort, exert some willpower, but if you follow a simple program, not as much as you might think.

There is no reason to give up foods you love - sugars, starches, fats, etc. Simply eat in smaller portions.

Your appetite can shrink. Start eating less, gradually, and eventually you will stop feeling hungry at the end of the day. The "trick" if you want to call it that, the "weird old secret" is simply patience.

It is very difficult to lose weight rapidly - and then keep it off. Lose weight slowly, so that your appetite shrinks along with your body, and when you've reached the weight you want, it will be a lot easier to maintain that weight.

And easy is what we want, right?

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