
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Choose Your Sport

I cannot emphasize enough how important it is that you add exercise to your weight loss regime.

Biking is fun, but walking will work as well. Jogging can cause shin splints, depending on what kind of you surface you jog on.

Since it's winter now... think about cross country skiing or even snow shoeing.

Whatever exercise you choose - jogging, biking, walking - the important thing is to keep track of what you do every day - how far you jog/bike/walk, and how long it takes you. In this way, you're able to measure your progress every day. It's also fun to see your distances and times increase.

As far as bikes are concerned, the best thing to do is get a man's bike, rather than a woman's bike - men's bikes are simply sturdier built because of that top bar. Go to your local bike store, rather than to a Walmart (have you seen the furniture put together there? Do you really want to trust them to put a bike together properly?)

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