
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Monday, January 9, 2012

The hypocrisy - and evil - of gossip magazines

Yes I know you come to this blog to learn how to lose weight, but sometimes I just can't help but go off on rants. My goal is to help people - mostly women - achieve a healthy weight and then maintain that weight.

That goal is not helped by the plethora of gossip magazines lining supermarket checkout aisles that focus on women's weight - only verrrrry rarely does a male actor have to worry about having his flab on display for all to see. Bad for the women who have to look at it, worse for the girls and boys who are subliminally taught that girl's bodies are for being looked at.

You all know what I'm talking about. The People magazines, the Us, the Enquirer, the Star - all of them always show photos of, for example, women's fat bodies with their heads cut off, with headlines like, "Who looks this flabby now?" Then we've got other crap like 20 actresses without their makeup - almost as bad.

Anyway, what do these covers typically always say? Look how skinny this actress is. Can she have anorexia? The next week? Look how fat this actress is! She should lose weight.

Women can just never, ever win. The only solution would be to boycott these mags and write letters to them requesting, or demanding that they cover something more interesting and important than the weight of actresses and personalities.

A boycott would work...hit a business in its pocketbook and they will change their ways - but will women institute one? These mags wouldn't show this crap unless there was a market for it, unfortunately.

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