
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

WInter is a time for maintaining

If you've been following my program successful - and if you've been following my program you have been successful ;)   you might be a bit bummed now that winter is coming.

Unless you live in an area that stays warm all the time, or unless you love to cross-country ski, chances are you're going to have to curtail your outdoor activities.

And that's going to slow down your weight loss.

I don't recommend cutting your eating any more - that will ensure you continue to lose weight, but it will also cause you to be more hungry, and increase you chances of breaking off your weight loss regime and pigging out.

You're the best one to know you own abilities - will you continue to be able to get outside, or go to a gym wit a track or pool, and continue to get aerobic exercise. (Weight training exercise can  be done winter or summer, of course.)

If necessary, look on the winter months as maintenance months. Your goal will simply be to not gain any weight. If you lose any weight - that's a bonus.

Once spring comes around - or any warm winter days! - you can get out for a quick bike ride or job.

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