
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dance Like A Cat

I just got back from seeing the traveling version of Cats, the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical that ran for 20 years in the West End and 18 years on Broadway, and all I can say is.... bor-ing.

It had one good song in the first act (not counting Memory) and one good song in the second act (loved that Macavity!) and it had Memory, and that's it.

Having said that, it was a joy to see some of the actresses/dancers/singer cats. While a couple of them were very skinny, most of them were of normal weight, and oh that was a joy to see. Not fat, not skeletal, just normal weight for their height, the kind of thing you very rarely see in dancers.

And of course, how do they stay so fit and trim? Why, by dancing. And dancing for fitness and exercise is a heckuva lot more fun than jogging a couple of miles .And it'll pay off in the long run if you ever get invited to go to a dance at your local palais de dance (if those even exist anymore, of course...)

I'm not talking about the sexual gyrations that seem to pass for dance these days ,but real dancing - the Charleston, line dancing, heck, even shuffle dancing can get the blood pumping and bring joy to your heart.

That is the key to a long and happy life - joy in your heart...and music and dance can provide that for you.

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