
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Don't Carry Measuring Cups WIth You

I'm going through the book 10 Habits that Mess up A Woman's Diet, plucking out the good advice the author gives.

But I have to admit some of the stuff is irritating, not only in her book but in others of the same nature.

She specifies - eat a 3 oz grilled chicken breast. Eat an ounce of sliced turkey, a cup of fat-free cottage cheese, two ounces of salmon, etc.

Oh, please! There is no reason to measure your way into madness. There's no need to get all flustered because you have a 3.5 oz grilled chicken breast instead of one that is precisely 3 ounces. Will you gain five pounds if you eat 2.5 ounces of salmon instead 2 ounces?


If you're the type of person who is always very precise, well, use such measurements. But if you're the type of person who just wants to live your life, don't worry about such precise measurements.

No need to give up cake and cookies,either - as long as you've deveveloped the willpower to handle them effectively. Don't cut yourself an extremely large slice of chocolate cake, so that you can only eat half of it and feel virtuous, if that half of cake is a normal size! Cut yourself a normal size piece, cut that in half, and have that for your dessert.

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