
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Filling but low in calories

Did a search for this phrase on the web, and found 5,390,000 results.

Just goes to show that that is most people's problems - they want to be able to satisfy their hunger, without eating a lot of calories.

Most of the results, however, come from "amateurs." Someone posts the question on a message board, and other people answer it.

Well, unless someone is a professional - a nutritionist or doctor or personal trainer - someone like myself in fact (ie personal trainer) I wouldn't take their advice.

This article provides excellent advice:
Healthy, Filling, Low Calorie Foods

Green Vegetables

Green vegetables contain minerals, vitamins, fibre, water, and are rich in antioxidants. This puts them on the top of the list of foods that are beneficial for those who want to cut out the extra calories and remain healthy. Vegetables help in the process of digestion and will help you feel full. Some vegetables that are extremely beneficial are asparagus, butternut squash, winter squash, cauliflower, beans, spinach and carrots.


Fruits have high water content and these are therefore ideal choices for those who would like to opt for low calorie, filling food. They keep the body satisfied for a longer time and are rich in vitamins and fibre. Some of the recommended low calorie foods are lemon, sweet lime, grapefruit, guava, papaya, tomatoes, pears, watermelon, cranberries, citrus fruits, blueberries and strawberries. The health benefits from these are numerous as they are nature's own health supplements in terms of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Whole Grains

Whole grains are broken down slowly during digestion and are also rich in fibre and carbohydrates. Blood sugar levels are brought under control and sugar craving is combated. Some whole grains that are beneficial are rye, barley, maize, pearl millet, brown rice, wheat pasta, sorghum and oatmeal.

Legumes and Pulses

Include high protein food in your list of low calorie foods. Great sources of proteins are pulses and legumes, which not only helps you cut down on calories, but also helps you feel full. Good choices of these are pinto beans, black beans, sprouts, peas and kidney beans.


Popcorn is low in calories, but rich in fibre. You will be amazed at how filling it can be. However, eating buttered popcorn will not have the same results as eating plain popcorn.

Almonds and Walnuts

Almonds and walnuts are great for the health and will keep you bubbling with energy for much longer than other foods. They provide you with the needed fat, protein, minerals and micronutrients that are need to help you burn calories and stay fit.

Low-Fat Dairy Products

Consuming foods rich in calcium will help prevent the release of calcitrol in the body, which is a hormone that stimulates the storage of fat. Go in for dairy products, but choose the products that are low in fat, such as low fat cheese and skimmed milk. Apart from adding to your reserves of calcium, it will also help you burn fat.

Fatty Fish

The omega-3 fatty acids that are present in fatty fish actually helps boost the metabolism rate and reduce cholesterol. Since fish is also a rich source of protein, it can be beneficial further in breaking down fat cells.

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