
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
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Saturday, September 1, 2012

Bowling pt 2

Went bowling again today with 2 friends from my Scrabble club.

The shoes this time were even worse than last time - they would not slide.

My left upper thigh is sore, not because I had had such a grueling workout, but just because I come down on that foot soo awkwardly when it doesn't slide. (I'm left-handed.)

I'd ordered new bowling shoes from Ebay. For some reason they were sent Fed Ex rather than by mail...and since you have to pay extra for Saturday delivery...I won't see them til after Labor Day.

(I was beat by the two guys who seemed to have no-problem with non-slidey shoes....I guess it's what you're used to...)

Right next to us was a family of bowlers - mom and dad, girl about 10 or 12 I suppose, boy about 5 who scored 125 - more than me! - because they had the bumpers his ball would bounce off them and hit the pins.

But the girl, who looked like she should have been athletic, just could not get the hang of it. I suspect it was because she was trying to throw a ball that was too heavy, and because she had no idea how to do it..and I guess couldn't learn simply by watching the example of her parents (not that they were that good...)  She'd walk up to the foul line and then just swing her arm and roll the ball - into the gutter.

I doubt if she'll ever go bowling again...which makes me think it's important for folks - especially kids - to have someone who knows what they're doing show them how to play. Otherwise, regardless of the sport - the girl - or boy, will just blame themselves and never want to play again!

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