
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Smart Post sucks

Well, it's Wednesday. If I'm lucky, I'll get my bowling shoes tomorrow, Thursday. But hopefully no later than Friday.

I don't know what this "Smart Post" is. I'd ordered the shoes from someone who sent them Fed Ex, except when they arrive at their destination they are then sent out by mail.

So the shoes arrived in Denver, which is I guess the closest Fed Ex hub to Cheyenne. From there, they were sent on a truck to Cheyenne, and were in limbo over the LAbor Day holidays

According to the tracking number, they just arrived at the Cheyenne post office THIS MORNING, and now I have to wait "one or two days" for them to arrive at my house.


I've been "dry bowling."  I don't know if that's the right term for it, but I"ve been practicing holding an imaginary bowling ball, going through my "address", and then taking three strides and throwing it. I had wanted those shoes early so I could go to the lanes and practice for 3 games, before Saturday, when I'll be bowling with my Scrabble club members and want to be throwing strikes!

Ah, well, like weight loss, skill in any endeavor takes practice, and in this case, lots and lots of patience!

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