I'll give the guy the benefit of the doubt that there was something about the makeup of the ball that forced him to have to do it that way, but I don't knw...
Anyway..I'm still having trouble getting the darn ball to go straight. it's my wrist...you're not supposed to "break it" but occasionally I do. So I've got to practice not doing that.
I went bowling 2 days ago - 95, then 125 and finally 129.
I know how to do it...the idea is just to keep that darn wrist from breaking.
And that's the same thing you have to do with any project, including losing weight.
You have to practice until you improve all the skills sets that you need to improve.
What skill sets are needed for losing weight?
1) Patience
2) Willpower. The willpower to have 1/4th of a bowl of ice cream rather than a whole bowl, half a candy bar rather than a whole one...
3) Common sense. You're cutting back your portions of everything in a reasonable way. Don't cut out all carbohydrates, all fat, etc. Totally not necessary and detrimental to your health. But you do need to eat a good selection of fruits, veggies, dairy, meat, etc. (You read about athletes doing this - weight trainers mostly - but you are not a weight trainer and you don't need to go to that extreme)
4. Your life-long sport - whether it's walking, biking, bowling - something you enjoy doing and will do at least three times a week if not more.
5. Weight training - easy weight lifting just to tone your muscles. Again, three times a week for this.
6. Resuming after you've missed a week or two.
Many folks will lift weights for a week, or even two. Then they miss a week and decide to give up. No...just get back right on the horse and start weight training again. Depending on how long you've missed, you'll drop your weights or repetitions to a beginning level, but you will do the exercises. And remember, practice makes perfect.
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