
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Don't despair over Twinkies yet

Apparently Hostess, which employed 18,000 people, closed its doors on Friday. Either Hostess was to blame or the Unions were to blame. Who knows?

Apparently people are flocking to stores to pick up Hostess Twinkies and other items....

The Twinkies and those other items aren't going to die, of course, some other business will buy the brands and produce them.

I have to admit I haven't had a Twinkie in a long time... I used to like them as a kid but the last time I had one as an adult they didn't taste the same - they tasted "store bought" rather than fresh baked the way they used. to.

I think many of the foods we liked as kids disappoint us when we reach adulthood, or at least don't taste the same. I used to like I find it too salty, for example.  (Except when it comes to ham and green olive on pizza - yum!)

Anyway, the point of this entry is that if you want to eat a hostess Twinkie now and again (or whatever company takes it over) feel free to do so. As long as you don't make a daily habit of them, it's fine.  (Always assuming that whoever takes over the recipe makes it properly and doesn't use cheaper ingredients. That's always a risk.)

Of course if you are going to eat some chocolate or other sweet now and again, I'm sure you can do better than a Twinkie!

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