
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thanksgiving over, Christmas to come

Well, hope everyone had an enjoyable Thanksgiving.

Now we're on to Christmas.

And invariably, after Christmas, we'll be bombarded by media saying, "Oh, God, you gained 5 pounds during Christmas, here's how to lose them!" Happens every year, although I suppose the juxtaposition with January 1, the new year when everyone makes their new year's resolutions, also has something to do with the barrage.

Weight loss is a billion dollar industry.  There's pills, there's books, there's surgeries, there's media influencing people to be unhappy with the way they look.

Remember that your goal is not specifically to lose weight... but to get in shape. The one will follow the other. But dont' obsess over every roll of skin. Your body needs some fat to work properly. 

So train your mind to ignore all the media bombardment. Work to your own schedule. Eat whatever you like - just do it in smaller quantities. Remember, as you gradually cut your food intake, your stomach will shrink and so will your appetite.

So plan to enjoy some good meals around Christmas time, and when January 1 comes around don't think, "Oh, I've got to lose 5 pounds..." no. Think, "Time to resume my journey toward fitness."

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