
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Attitude is Everything

If you're sitting around the house, feeling depressed, and get a craving for some chocolate brownies...or just for a late-night hamburger, what's to stop you from eating it?

Yes, you're trying to lose weight... but you're depressed, and eating something sweet or hot is going to make you feel better.

So, you eat it, and while you probably won't gain a whole pound because of it, it's going to play havoc with your "Caloric imbalance" which is helping you to lose weight. (Burn more calories than you consume, you lose weight. But your body needs to be "kick-started" into that mode, and it takes about a week of eating less and exercising more before you see any results.)

What you need is an attitude adjustment. Replace your "feel good" chocolate or hot food with going for a walk and enjoying the sunshine, or in cold weather, walking through a mall - but not buying anything, of course!

Life is for enjoyment... be cheerful. Not normally cheerful - work on it!

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