
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Don't Set Yourself Up To Fail

There are good times to begin to change one's lifestyle and embrace eating and exercise changes. And there are bad times.

For example, deciding to start a diet in December is usually a bad idea - since it's the Christmas season, you're surrounded by food at work and at home, etc.

Once it's January, then the time has come - unless you live in a cold, wintry, snowy state. Even if you get a membership to a gym, you still have to go out into the cold or snow to get to that gym to exercise, then have to come home... how many people are daunted by that?

No, spring, the time of rebirth, that's the time to begin your life change.

So what should you do - if you're a beginner, and haven't already spent several months working on your new life - for the rest of February and March?

As I advise all my clients, before any weight loss/weight maintenance program is going to work, you must know yourself. You must know why you overeat - boredom, unhappiness, whatever; you must know what triggers your cravings for chocolate or salty snacks; you must know at what time of the day you have the energy to do exercises - weight training three times a week, and gong out and running or biking at least three times a week and hopefully more.

Now, if you've been dieting and exercising for several months - what are you supposed to do during the winter months? Well - what are you doing? Do you find the weather depressing, and does that cause you to eat more? IF so, note that down in your journal.

Are you able to maintain your exercise regime - by going to a gym or a pool or what have you - or has your exercising slacked off? Perhaps consider buying a stationary bicycle - or my own personal favorite, a rowing machine, so that you can watch TV and get in some cardio and strength training in at the same time.

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