
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Is Eating 5 Small Meals Bad For You

Weight Loss Guide issued a press release today, with 7 "myths" about weight loss. The problem with this is that it is a Press Release, designed to get the reader to go to its site. So it's all about generating money.  I always mistrust press releases of this nature.

But anyway, here's one thing they had to say:
1. Eating 5 small meals throughout the day will result in weight loss. The idea behind this myth is sound advice but it doesn’t seem to work in practice. Most people who follow this diet plan eat more in these 5 small meals than they would in 3 regular-sized meals.

That may be true, but only because those folks who try it don't do it right! You don't eat 5 regular sized meals, you eat 5 small meals that are the equivalent to 3 regular sized meals.

As long as people bear that in mind, they'll be fine.

It all comes down to what people learn about themselves based on their journal keeping.  

And of course, the last meal of the day is important. That shouldn't be a bowl of ice cream before you go to bed.

(If all you eat is 1,500 calories a day, you might think that 500 of those calories can be consumed at night in the form of ice cream. Not so. Have your ice cream about 6 pm or so, and your last meal of the day should be carrots or crackers - just enough to take off the edge of hunger so you can go to sleep.)

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