
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Summer Fun

Well, it's June. Is summer finally here?

I knew sort of what to expect in Hampton Roads, Virginia, but I'm still learning the ropes here in Cheyenne, Wyoming. It's been getting cold at night, takes a while to warm up during the day, and of course there's the incessant wind.

I've been working on my garden in fits and starts. is perhaps a grandiose term. I've got two large pots, in which I've put a few flowers, flanking a bird bath. I've got a ....can't remember the name... a large metal pole with two hooks on which I'm eventually going to hang some hanging baskets full of flowers, or perhaps a bird feeder.

But I'm getting my exercise with this, because I've got about 20-30 feet of dead ground that I'm covering over with rock - which I'm carrying from both a big rock pile on the front lawn of my house, and from the cast-off - each side of the dirt road that goes past my house.

I haven't had a chance to work on it for the last couple of weeks...things just keep coming up!

It's when things get hectic that our weight training regimen and eating habits can get out of whack.I strive to never let things get hectic...advance planning does wonders...but sometimes you just can't help it!

At such hectic times, the thing is to try to limit how far things get out of hand. If you don't have time for a real sit down meal, try to cut down chocolates and deserts at this time. Save those for when the hectic times are over.

And if possible, always get out and get some exercise. Exercise - a brisk walk, job or bike - always helps to settle the mind and refresh oneself for the rest of the day.

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