
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Anger is not good for weight loss

While I'm not trying to exert mind control on anybody, it's a fact that cheerful people are healthier than unhappy people. Although that's probably...not a catch-22...a chicken and the egg problem? If you're healthy, you're typically happy and vice versa. Anyway, if something in your day is not going as you expect, if it's really bugging you, what do you do? Many people sit down with a cup of coffee and some comfort food. Once in a while that's fine, but when you find yourself in a whole midst of irritations, day after day after can get kind of wearing, and the comfort food and hence the calories can add up. Rather than take out the frustration on food, go for a job or a bike ride (or just a drive!) I've been in a state of constant frustration for the last two months, as one thing after another has just gone wrong... on occasion I've splurged on happiness-giving chocolate, but for the most part, it's been power walking in a mall (since it's been too damn windy to bike.) If they had a cardio kick-boxing class around here I'd enroll in that - I feel the need!

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