
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Friday, May 18, 2012

It works (supposedly) - but could you stick to it?

I read the message board of a guy in the entertainment business (soundtracks) who lives in Los Angeles, he's 65 or so. I've talked about him, he's the guy who only eats one "meal o' the day" as he terms it, then wonders why it's so hard for him to lose weight and so hard to keep from regaining the weight he eventually does lose.

(Tip - you need to eat three "meals o' the day" or even five!)

(I don't know why he calls it a "meal o' the day" - he has no Irish blood in him... but then, he uses a few Britishisms all the time as well but he's never been to England...he's just a pretentious guy, he should change his pseudonym to "Guy Pretentious". (That'd be hilarious to you if you knew one of his other quirks, he thinks its clever to reverse words: "things were bright and merry today, and also merry and bright." He has said something like that in every day's post of his 10 year old blog (he invented blogging every day without missing a single day, mark you).)

I admit I read this guy's blog every day in fascination...the pretentious things he says in his opening paragraph that you just have to squint at in embarrassment that a grown man would write these things, before he segues into the "real" post of what he does as a soundtrack producer which is interesting..then I read his message board where people actually ape his pretensions, (and everyone makes a 10-post post out of what could be said in a single post, because if the post level drops to under 150 a day he throws a hissy fit - and it never occurs to him that the reason new folks don't stick around the message boards is because this makes the message boards all but unreadable----it's just funny....

Well, back to the business at hand. He was talking about a friend who mentioned a diet that "works":

Eat for Life – I’m reading up on it now, but it sounds like something that would be nigh unto impossible for me to stick to – it’s all vegetables and fruits and salads, no real dressing other than oil and vinegar, no dairy at all, no bread at all, no sugar at all. But he lost thirty pounds in a very short period of time.
All well and good, but let's see if, in six months, this guy puts back on all the weight he had lost previously. Because, really, what kind of life is that, eating salads every day? Fine for herbivores, but humans are carnivores and need what's in dairy, in meat, etc.

There is no need to deprive yourself of foods you like. Why is it so hard for people to understand this? Eating in moderation is the key.

(But then, eating in moderation is the stumbling block for everyone.)

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