
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Okay - you might have to give up *some* things

With my program, you gradually cut back on the food you eat - while at the same time eating whatever you want. All you're doing is eating your favorite foods in smaller portions.

In addition, because you are cutting back on food gradually, you will suffer relatively few hunger pains, and your appetite will shrink as it learns over time to be satisfied with smaller portions. Because of this, when it comes time to start eating a little bit more, so you are maintaining your weight instead of trying to lose weight, you will add just a little bit extra to each of the portions you eat, and not all of a sudden start pigging out again - as you will have no desire to do so.

But...some things you must give up - if you do not have the willpower to "stop at just one."

For myself - and yes, even I don't have the willpower to stop at just one and I'm not ashamed to admit it, nor am I troubled by it or feel guilty - it is fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies. I love fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies (I love chocolate) and if I bake a batch, I eat 'em all over the course of the day.

Solution, store bought chocolate chip cookies or Oreos. Two of these after supper satisfies my craving for chocolate, and I have no desire to munch on them for the rest of the night. Once a week I'll visit a Mrs. Fields and get one of their cookies - the fact that they cost so damn much helps in my reluctance to buy more than one a week! Similarly, I can't have chocolate ice cream in the house. Once every couple of weeks I'll go to a Dairy Queen and splurge - but these are strictly treats, not every day occurrences. So check your cravings, and if you can't "stop at just one," keep them out of your house and turn them into treats, not every day things.

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