
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sometimes you just need chocolate

Another Saturday, another day when the guy who was supposed to finish off the sheet rocking in my apartment just couldn't make it - same like last Saturday. Meantime, since unlike a year and a half ago when there was no furniture down here and my sister could have done the sheet rocking in a couple of hours, today I had furniture or shelves under every hole (which I'd covered up to my satisfaction with white foam board eight months ago and didn't want the guy to do any sheet rocking to now anyway!) so I've got that all moved out of the way, and have had it moved out of the way for the last six bloody weeks! - the stuff on the shelves are now on the floor and the shelves unscrewed...ya da ya da I am so pissed that I went and bought a box of Snickers ice cream bars and ate all 6!

Sometimes you've just got to do it.

This is part of the thing where if you get out of your rhythm and feel your life unsettled, and that you're out of control with your life, you start over-eating to make yourself feel better.

Well, six Snickers bars may have been a bit much, but what can I say, I felt the need. Some people drink to insensibility, I have six Snickers bars. I'd go for a bike ride now except off course it's cold and rainy here - the first cold and rainy day in several weeks and ain't that typical?

Not a good day.

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