
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Don't wait for January 1

There's about 3 more weeks until Thanksgiving, and then at the end of December is Christmas.

Don't worry about it. Start your plan to get fit (and lose weight in the process) now. You are not going to deprive yourself during Thanksiving and Christmas - indeed, they will make excellent experiments. If you eat as you always do, how much weight will you gain, if any?

I say this because your weight loss and fitness journey is going to be spread over 365 days, 12 months, a year. You are going to get fit, you are going to achieve a healthy weight, and once you do so, you will be able to maintain that state because you will have learned everything you need to know to live a healthy life - and still enjoy eating all the foods you like - from hamburgers at McDonalds to Blizzards at Dairy Queen.

It's all a process of portion control and exercising.

The process begins with my next post.

This blog is updated every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY

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