Two views from the deck of my new house
From the age of 20 to 38 or so I lived in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and when we got snow storms there, we'd get an average of 6 inches of snow, sometimes up to a foot. And I'd still drive to work each morning...only wimps stayed home after a 12-inch snowstorm. (Of course, this was 20 years ago, when the city actually had money to send snowplows out at the first hint of snow, and they'd keep the highways clear from morning til night.)
When I lived in Yorktown, Virgina (on the east coast of the state), from age 38 to 45 or so, if it snowed a half inch, the whole city would shut down, and people were warned to stay home. They had no snow plows, and you just had to wait until the snow melted...which it did by the next day, if not sooner. But god forbid you should dare to drive in an inch of snow!
Now, I'm in Cheyenne, WY, and there's 4 inches of snow on the ground. To me, this is nothing, and I would have thought it would be nothing to Cheyenne-ers, either, as they must be used to this. According to my sister, snow here is also supposed to melt "the next day" - but I don't think I believe that.
All this is a long-winded way of saying that, I'd like to go biking today, but prepared as I am for biking with earmuffs and gloves and a fat-tired bike... I think I'm going to skip it.
Don't be afraid to get out and shovel your driveway, though - after all, exercise is exercise. Just take it easy and use good form so as not to strain your back.
No driveway to shovel? Take a walk, build a snowman.
Or if you're really adventurous, go downhill or cross-country skiing (depending on how much snowcover you have, of course.)
And at the end of the day, when you're settling in at home, don't forget the marshmallows in your hot chocolate!
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