
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Monday, November 1, 2010

This blog gets back on track Tuesday, Nov 2

Hello, faithful readers.

I've recovered from my outrage over Amazon's reducing the price of my blogs. It still enrages me, but since I've still got subscribers who need help losing and maintaining weight, I shall persevere.

Antoher reason why I haven't posted for a while is because I've just moved from Yorktown, VA to Cheyenne, WY. We've been here for a week, but the stress of traveling with an elderly parent had me knocked out for a week, and then now all our stuff has arrived and we're unpackign bookcases, dressers, et al, and I've got to tell you it's at times like this that I'm glad I'm in shape!

The one thing I don't like about Cheyenne is the wind. It seems like the wind never stops, and it roars around my bedroom windows like a freight train. I actually like the sound of freight trains, but I don't like biking in a cold, steady wind. So we'll see what I can do about that.

So, again, this blog resumes tomorrow.

Tomorrow is also election day - so please go out and vote. I'd prefer it if you'll all vote the straight Republican ticket ; ), but if you are Democrats, go out and vote Democrat. The key thing is to take part in the democratic process.

Thanks, and talk to ya tomorrow.

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