
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

What is "Sexy"?

I'm visiting friends after Thanksgiving, here in Burleson Texas, and some store is advertising open toed, winter... boots. Because they're "sexy."

What is so sexy about a foot, completely covered, with the big toe showing? For that matter, what is sexy about toes at all? It's the same thing with girls who go around showing their "muffin top" - they force their legs into the tightest of tight pants, and all the fat hangs out over their low-cut pants in a most unattractive way, as far as I'm concerned. But I guess they must consider it sexy - or think that boys consider it sexy, which is more likely - which is why they do it.

But the amount of discomfort women put themselves into, just to look attractive to the opposite's just ridiculous.

We scoff and shake our heads at those decadent Chinese who wrapped girls feet in bindings to make sure their feet wouldn't grow beyond a certain size - and also ensured they'd only be able to walk at a hobble - so sexy, a woman hobbling along helplessly - but Western women, particularly in the US, do the same thing, wearing shoes that are two sizes too small so they end up with bunions and corns. Indeed, I think in Europe - or perhaps more likely Japan - which is even worse than the US wen it comes to young people conforming and keeping up with the Jones' - women are actually going to doctors to have part of their feet cut off in order to be able to get into tiny shoes.

Today's women do this self-mutiliation willingly, but I believe it's because they've been indoctrinated since day one (first birthday) that it is their job, as a girl and then as a woman, to be attractive to boys. And since boys like small feet, they've to go endure all the pain in the world, just so some total stranger on the street who looks at them can get his vicarious thrill.

Well, that's a bit of a rant but seeing "open toed boots" today - and the ad copy that accompanied it - just set me off.

Not too long now til a new month, December, with a Christmas feast at the end of it. Then comes 2011, and a whole year, 365 days, to lose the weight you desire, and then keep it off.

I always start out the new year by starting at the beginning, again, of how to lose and maintain weight - by keeping a journal. So I'll do that again.

Really, there are only a few things you can explain to people about how to lose weight - well, more precisely...about how to control their appetite. When you learn to control your appetite, you have the problem licked.

It's just a question of learning that control. Some people can do it immediately. Over night they can decide to give up all chocolate, and they never look back. Other people - and if you're reading this blog you're probably one of them - struggle with appetite control all the time - because they don't know the info I'm going to share!

I'll go into this in more detail in December. I'll also be introducing a website, come the new year, where my readers here can go to download journal pages and weight training pages, for free. (Yes, my Kindle readers will have to visit the web via computer to get these, but i'll be well worth it.) That'll be in January.

Every day is a new day, and life is beautiful.

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