
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

My Cheyenne Report: Where are all the bikes?

I've just moved from the narrow confines of York County, Virginia to the more wide open spaces of Cheyenne, Wyoming. I don't live in town, but rather 10 or so miles to the south of it. I've got 2 acres of land, which isn't as much as you might think.

I live on a bit of an incline..I can't reall call it a hill, and there's a rural housing area all around...some houses set quite close together, others in their own two acres or so.

My closest neighbor, about 50 yards or so to my south, has two horses and a sheep, and 8 cars in various states of disrepair, and a boat. A nice boat. A powerboat. But three of his cars are parked right by the fenec that separates his property from mine - albeit in a row, the only one I can see is a beat up pale yellow truck. In a few months or so I'm either going to plant large trees to block the view of that truck, or perhaps put in a different kind of non-see-through fence.

Anyway, I've been here for three weeks now, and I have yet to see anyone on a bike. Now, school is in session, I know, but they get out about 3 pm, and you'd think there'd be some kids on bikes. But even if they bike in other directions than by my house, I haven't even seen any bikes out in people's yards.

It is winter here, but worse than that I think is the wind. The wind blows 90% of the time. At the time I'm writing this, there is no wind, but this is a rarity. Usually I sit in my office and it sounds like a freight train is roaring past the house.

That does not make for pleasant biking, and although I am an avid bikerider I do not like to ride against the wind, especially a cold wind. I get earaches very easily and have to wear earmuffs to defend against even the slightest wind. (Well, not earmuffs but I'm blanking on the name. A headband that extends out a bit so it covers the ears on both sides.)

Anyway, there's a lot of area out here to explore, and there is very little traffic. So while it may take less time for me to zoom around in my car, I will do it on my bike, instead, and see what I can see.

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