
How to reach and maintain your ideal weight, using common sense.
This blog is for healthy individuals who are mobile.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

If you must count calories, make it easy on yourself

I eat very few foods. I love chicken. I love turkey. Hamburgers are okay.  And that's about it. I'll eat pork if it's on the table, but it's not something I'd cook myself.

I love mashed potatoes, corn, garlic bread with lots of cheese and butter, ya da ya da.

The point I'm trying to make is that if you want to count calories, the easiest way to do it is to work out the calories of 10 meals or so - whatever your favorite 10 meals are, and then eat them while you work to lose weight.  That way you don't have to waste time or anxiety at a restaurant or somewhere wondering how many calories something has.

Ten different meals seems to me to be a pretty wide range of meals... if you eat more than ten different types of meals you're quite the gourmet!

How you lose weight depends on your makeup. Do you like to be in control of every little thing in your life? (That's me.) Or does such control strike you as a straight jacket that would drive you crazy.

Knowledge is power. That's a refrain I keep repeating. You must know yourself.

You must also believe that if you have bad habits, you can change them.

Mental muscles must be exercised just as regular muscles must be. And they can be strengthened.

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